Our Commitment to Your Child's Transformation
Over the past decade, we've had the honour of celebrating numerous success stories that have filled us with pride. We recognise that every small step towards improvement isn't just about getting better grades; it's about boosting your child's confidence and changing how they view their schoolwork and themselves. We greatly admire the hard work, determination, and persistence demonstrated by these remarkable students on their path to success.
Esther and Sarive
"We had to flee the Democratic Republic of Congo to the Malawi refugee camp so we could be safe from the rebel soldiers."
Since the war in 2003, over one million people have fled from the Democratic Republic of Congo and became refugees, Esther and Sarive were two of them. Today, they have beat all odds. Sarive has completed High School as an 'A' student and is now in University. Esther is continuing to thrive in her final year of school and recently won a Community Spirit Award from the ABC! They are now powering through school and want to help other people go even further.
Watch the video to see how Esther and Sarive transformed their lives!
Naia & Blake
Naia went from C's to A's in Less Than a Semester While Learning with Dyslexia.
Blake’s approach was simple. He knew that Naia’s grades were not a true reflection of his ability, but that Naia just needed someone to help explain the content in a way he understood, and more importantly, someone to believe in him. Once Naia had a genuine belief in his own ability and the conviction that hard work would pay off; his whole approach to school altered. He went from strength to strength, and by the middle of Year 8 had achieved a mix of As and Bs, including an A in English – a simply staggering result for a young man with dyslexia!
The only tutoring company in Australia with official school partnerships

The Now Effect
Afiyah & Shreya
Afiyah, Year 11, Transforms from D’s to B’s in Just One Year!
For Year 11 student, Afiyah, her challenges in Maths had an adverse effect on her whole schooling experience. While Afiyah was transforming from a D to a B in Maths, she also transformed her confidence. Now, Afiyah is not only well-placed to excel in her ATAR, but to enter adulthood full of confidence that she can achieve anything!
Harriet & Tiahna
Year 12 Student, Harriet, went from 54% to 95% in Maths Methods in One Year!
Ultimately, Harriett’s work with Tiahna has allowed her to recapture her confidence and grades. After only just passing at the end of Year 11, Harriett is now scoring 95% in Maths Methods, a truly dramatic transformation! As she prepares to face her final exams in a few months time, Harriett’s revitalised approach to her Maths has her primed to achieve what she is truly capable of.
“Lola is doing Maths Methods this year. She has gone from a C- average in Year 10 to an A+ average so far in Year 11. She is definitely working harder but her APT has helped immensely in restoring her confidence!”
“Leyla and Coco have been working hard together on reading, recognition and spelling, and her NAPLAN results show it!! With Coco being above the national average!!”
“I am sure Jonathan will want to tell his APT, he recently received an A- for his Maths PSMT. This is an amazing turnaround from when he started with A Team Tuition (Term 1 2023). I am very happy for Jonathan to continue!”
“I’m so happy to chat with you about Charlie and Zack’s sessions. Our Academic Personal Trainer, Zack, has been fantastic. Charlie is getting a lot out of each session and most importantly his confidence is growing, which was my main reason for seeking out tutoring after being so unwell last term and missing more than half a term of schooling. Zack really connects with Charlie and supports him in his learning, confidence and planning ahead. I will definitely be continuing with Zack for the rest of this year and next year! He really is a great fit for Charlie.”
“Caelan came out of the session and said he had so much fun! I couldn’t believe my ears that anyone would ever say they had fun doing maths tutoring. He’s already finished all the homework Josh set for him and can’t wait for next week.”
“The sessions with Seb’s APT, Devendra, are going really well. For Seb’s first assignment back this semester he got an A which is a great outcome! Seb feels comfortable with Devendra because he is patient, kind and explains things really well to Seb.
My husband & I are very happy with how the tutoring has gone so far & Seb’s better engagement with Maths.”
“Not only do the team at A Team Tuition improve grades, they also focus on the underlying skills and qualities of character required to continue on the right path in life.”
“I share my deep gratitude to your team. Our son Hudson is flourishing! His step is lighter, he laughs, and his confidence within himself is growing. This is all because of Mitch! Mitch has built a safe learning relationship and Hudson is thriving! Thank you!
Hudson thinks Mitch is a Legend! We are so grateful to Mitch, your team and so happy for Hudson.”
“Their approach to working with young people as extremely professional and very much focused on the individual needs and circumstances of each child. A Team Tuition is focused on delivering the best possible outcomes to all students irrespective of their academic ability and are well versed in supporting children within the Out Of Home Care sector.”
“In our experience, what we have found is the A-Team are prepared to be flexible (they really do look to provide the right APT to the student) and are genuinely committed. A-Team are able to mentor and develop other key forms of aptitude, including emotional and social forms of intelligence.”
Paige & Jane
Paige Transformed from D’s to B’s While Gaining a Trusted Mentor!
The positive relationship that Paige and Jane have developed has been pivotal to improving Paige’s performance in the classroom. Building on the strategies that Jane shared with her, Paige has been able to apply her knowledge in more specific and sophisticated ways, particularly in English, and has turned her Ds into Bs as a result! As a result of her improved grades, Jane has seen a dramatic change in Paige’s mindset and confidence.
Cecelia & Michaela
Cecelia Has Gone from D's to B's in Just Six Months!
Cecilia's Mum, Lizzy, called in Academic Personal Trainer, Michaela to help CC get through her homework, assignments, and exams. Michaela could tell that CC lacked the confidence she needed to fully embrace study. She had the "I can't" attitude and that, more than anything was holding her back. Michaela began by working on CC's confidence, helping her to adjust the way she thought about her school work and how she related to the curriculum. That is what started CC's journey towards amazing academic achievement!
A Team Tuition Has Been Featured On
Grace & Blake
For Grace, Straight ‘A’s Were a “Happy Byproduct” of the Holistic Benefits of Tutoring
Grace’s parents Kerrie and Russell are immensely happy with their daughter’s improvement over the past year, going from 'C's to straight 'A's. However, they are more excited with the reduction they have observed in her anxiety:
“The goal was never a straight A student; this has just been a happy byproduct,” explain Kerri and Russell. “Grace’s partnership with Blake has helped take the anxiety and stress away from her studies, and improved her mental health.”
Emily & Holly
Emily Transformed from D's To A’s in One Year!
Holly, one of our Academic Personal Trainers, started working with Emily at the middle of 2020, and has been supporting her with her English, Science and Humanities for just over one year now through private and school sessions. By the end of the school year, after working just six months with Holly, Emily began to achieve B's in the majority of her subjects. Now, Emily has spent the last two terms honing in on her time management skills and assessment strategies which have helped her achieve A's!
Shawna & Kiah
Shawna Went From C+ To A+ In Just One Term!
For Year 11 student Shawna, finding some confidence in her ability was the key to unlocking her potential. In less than six months, she has managed to transform her grades in business from C+'s into A+'s, and has gained a trusted mentor in the process too.
Sam & Lachlan
Sam Went From Failing to an A in Math in Just One Year!
Lachlan, a Brisbane-based APT, has been working with Sam since the start of 2020. In three terms, he has helped transform Sam from a failing Maths student to an A student, with a successful year 12 now firmly within reach!
"On the back of working with A Team Tuition, Sam has rediscovered his mojo, and has set himself up to be rewarded for his hard work in his final year of high school."
- Renee, Sam's Mum
Ethan & Brittany
Ethan Transformed His Confidence and Went to Primarily A Grades!
Ethan was on straight B's for all of his subjects, but his mother Sharon knew that he could achieve even more. Like so many students before him, Ethan was an incredibly talented young man, who had everything he needed to accomplish wondrous things - except the ability to see that his own potential.
"As with most Year 8 students, motivation was definitely hard for Ethan to maintain at times - which is totally normal, and had to be accepted for transformation to take place!" Britt remarked. "I accommodated for this, by ensuring that each session was inviting and fun for Ethan, rather than simply sitting down and doing work in a way that was boring to him."
Ava & Jess
Ava Worked Hard to Go From a B- to A+ in One Month!
When Ava received a B- on her Semester 1 report, her family decided to get her some personalised tutoring because she was determined to raise her grade to an A.
Ava's tutor, Jess, discovered that Ava’s greatest struggle was remembering the content taught through effective means. Because of this, Jess thought it would be perfect to first find out Ava’s learning language – a key element to the effective and efficient learning of an individual. She found that Ava was an auditory learner and worked with her to use this as a strategy and get her to an A!
Ruby & Ellie
Ruby Went Through A Huge Transformation in Both Her Grades and Confidence!
Ruby was overjoyed to start tutoring and "really wanted to learn new skills to improve her grades.” After starting with Ellie, Ruby moulded her learning according to the STAR program that Ellie utilised, which included changing her classroom structure and seating, the way she asked questions, and her assessment planning process.
For Ellie, though, the main focus was providing the perfect environment for Ruby to feel supported, cared for, and comfortable!
Chloe & Rimaz
Chloe, Year 6, Goes From C's to A's in 5 Months
Chloe’s greatest weaknesses were comprehending complex Maths questions and understanding how to approach those questions. Rimaz explained that Chloe's turning point occurred when she realised that the practice questions and homework that she was assigning her was helping her. Rimaz then tailored the tutoring sessions to meet Chloe’s academic needs and everything clicked into place!