Our Transformative Tutoring Program for

We improve your child's confidence, motivation, and grades in just 6 months.
Our 6-month Transformation Program is a game-changing transformative tutoring program unlike any other and is transforming students taking NAPLAN across Australia. NAPLAN is a set of four or five standardised tests (depending on your child’s year level) that are taken by students in years 3, 5, 7, and 9. NAPLAN tests cover writing, spelling, grammar, reading, and numeracy skills.
While our program is designed to help students excel in NAPLAN testing by building confidence and providing proven test-taking strategies, sessions are not solely focused on NAPLAN. We believe that success in standardised testing is just one aspect of a well-rounded education. Our approach goes beyond NAPLAN, offering a comprehensive learning experience backed by proven methods and psychological principles to unlock your child's true potential.
By joining us on this transformative journey, you're not just investing in improved test scores but also in a richer, more confident, and successful future for your child.







Transform Your Child's Mindset
Teach Your Child the Strategies and Skills to Becoming a Successful Student
Mentor and Guide Them to Improve Confidence, Motivation, and Grades
Ongoing Support For Your Family
“I’m so happy to chat with you about Charlie and Zack’s sessions. Our Academic Personal Trainer, Zack, has been fantastic. Charlie is getting a lot out of each session and most importantly his confidence is growing, which was my main reason for seeking out tutoring after being so unwell last term and missing more than half a term of schooling. Zack really connects with Charlie and supports him in his learning, confidence and planning ahead. I will definitely be continuing with Zack for the rest of this year and next year! He really is a great fit for Charlie.”
“I think I was so successful because my study routine and how I approached maths completely changed. I used to have a bad mindset and hated the subject, now I really try my best!”
Jess went from an E to B in Maths in just 8 weeks!
“I am sure Jonathan will want to tell his APT, he recently received an A- for his Maths PSMT. This is an amazing turnaround from when he started with A Team Tuition (Term 1 2023). I am very happy for Jonathan to continue!”
“I am very happy with how the sessions are going. Avalon was sitting on a D to C and just received a B- in Math! Her teacher marked improvement with both maths and confidence. Our Academic Personal Trainer, Andrew, takes the time to discuss and draw out of Avalon what she understands and also struggles with. He is very patient and takes time to repeat things. She loves how he gets her to repeat back what he is teaching her to ensure she understands, as she normally is too shy to say. He has great communication skills and he somehow gets through to her as she is difficult to read. All round a lovely young man.”
“Their approach to working with young people as extremely professional and very much focused on the individual needs and circumstances of each child. A Team Tuition is focused on delivering the best possible outcomes to all students irrespective of their academic ability and are well versed in supporting children within the Out Of Home Care sector.”
His APT had instant rapport with him and was able to get him to open up about things we had no idea on (despite asking what we thought were the right questions!). Our son’s teacher has already mentioned how much more focused he is and that his attention to detail is improving. We are really very impressed with A Team Tuition.
“In respect of Teliah, she has been fabulous. Matthew got his marks and went to a B+ in a subject he had been failing, and his other subject was an A which had been a B that they had been working on.
Teliah herself has been professional, a good communicator, has provided timely feedback and has been on time herself in every event – well presented and once she did the first session well researched in the work she has been attending too with Matty.
She has definitely been a credit to your organisation and has justified the marketing that A Team Tuition has in respect of improvement.”
“We absolutely love our Academic Personal Trainer Maina. He is such a wonderful person to have in the home and Joe enjoys working with him. Even my other son who isn’t loving school said he might do some tutoring with him. Impressive!!”
“Alongside greatly encouraging improvement in his academic results, the most outstanding and important outcome has been enhancement of his self-motivation and drive, and even more importantly, development of his self-confidence.”
The only tutoring company in Australia with official school partnerships

The Now Effect