OUR (1)

At A Team Tuition, we harness the transformative power of cognitive science through tutoring to change the lives of students. Our approach is founded on the belief that confidence blossoms when we understand and address a child's emotional barriers to learning. We prioritise tailoring our teaching to each student's unique needs, recognising that every child absorbs information differently. In a world where classrooms often don't align with a child's preferred learning style, we're here to reshape the curriculum and unlock their full potential.

Academic Personal Trainers

Our tutoring team, known as Academic Personal Trainers (APTs), embodies our commitment to transforming how students learn. At A Team Tuition, we do not act as a middle man. All of our tutors (APTs) are employed and managed by us after passing a rigorous recruitment, training and onboarding process, along with being WWCC and Police checked. We also have a mentoring and upskilling program for our APTs to give them the tools they need to succeed across any industry. We handpick our APTs based on their values and mentoring abilities, rejecting 94% of applicants who may have impressive grades but lack the skills to inspire our students. Our APTs are located throughout Australia, delivering one-on-one, personalised support wherever it's needed – in your home, at school, at a local library, or online.

Leadership Team

Our Leadership Team is driven by empathy and a people-centric focus. We have various leadership teams that provide unwavering support to our Academic Personal Trainers (APTs), families, schools, and community partners, equipping them with the tools needed for success. Our team applies the Pygmalion effect and our I.N.S.P.I.R.E. values to empower our APTs, ensuring this positivity resonates with our students. Our commitment goes beyond merely organising our tutors (APTs); we offer tailored mentoring, support, and strategies to improve student's confidence, motivation, and grades. Our headquarters is on the Gold Coast, but our team is always available to lend a helping hand to our tutors and our families across Australia. 

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Our Core Values

We underpin everything that we do at A Team Tuition with our INSPIRE values. We uphold these values to inspire self-belief in our students, our Leadership Team, and our Academic Personal Trainers.

As children thrive, families, schools, and communities follow suit. Our mission extends beyond pursuing improved grades; we're committed to enhancing the educational experience, improving the education system, and securing a brighter future for our children and their descendants.

Imagine the difference it would make if you had the support, strategies, and inspiration you needed. How would your children's perspective on education change? At A Team Tuition, we're here to initiate a tidal wave of positive change, one ripple at a time.

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The Birth of Our Unique Tutoring Method

A Team Tuition's innovative tutoring program draws inspiration from our founder, Hayden McEvoy's transformative journey. Diagnosed with ADHD in grade one, Hayden faced a decade of academic struggles. However, his path to success began when he applied the mindset coaching he received as a young elite athlete to his studies.

By age 15, Hayden had unwittingly laid the groundwork for A Team Tuition. He became his own academic coach, drawing upon strategies honed in his rigorous sports training. Hayden's transformation wasn't just about improved grades; it was a profound shift in his attitude towards education, propelling him from consistent 'D's to stellar 'A's. 

While tutoring during his university years, Hayden realised the limitations of traditional tutoring methods. He embraced a coaching approach, refining his strategy. His students quickly transformed into 'A' students, leading to the inception of A Team Tuition.

Our flagship Strategies to Accelerate Results (STAR) Training Course, developed in collaboration with educational psychology experts, leverages the Marzano's Taxonomy of Learning. The STAR Training Course places a strong emphasis on nurturing resilient learners who excel despite curriculum challenges and compliments our overall tutoring strategy. Our holistic method combines tutoring, mentoring, and academic strategy to transform students’ mindsets, confidence, and academics with our 6-month Transformation Program.

Today, A Team Tuition stands as Australia's premier tutoring company, celebrated for its transformative impact on students, inspired by the remarkable journey of our founder, Hayden McEvoy.