Year 11 Boy Jumps From D’s to A’s in Just 6 Months

Our A Team Tuition tutors often remark that one of the best – if not the best – parts about working with students is seeing the transformation that they go through. For Troy Balvert and Aleksander “Aleks” Everstets, that transformation was accompanied by something even better – a genuine, true mentorship.

Aleks first came to A Team Tuition looking to not only improve his grades, but also to find his own personal motivation. With two older sisters who achieved very highly at school, Aleks needed to make his own place in education, and find his own passion for his work.

“He wasn’t making mistakes as such,” his tutor Troy commented. “He is a very confident young man, but in his academics, he didn’t think he was smart enough.”

Because of this, Aleks refrained from trying too hard at school, aiming simply to pass and focused on getting into a job where he “didn’t have to use his brain,” remarked Troy.

However, Troy immediately worked on building a mentorship between them, and set the standard of expectations for Aleks’ work.

“We just talked, hung out, spun some good yarns and really got to know each other well. I think we are both similar, in personality, how we are very close with our family, and how our older sibling/s are very intelligent, and we may not feel like we were at their academic level.”

“We just clicked. We get along so well that I was able to have a position almost like an older brother for Aleks – someone he could be comfortable around, but also someone he could respect and learn from. I personally think having a tutor who believes in you and gives you that confidence is helpful. I made sure he knew that I believed in him and he could achieve good grades, and that I was going to always push him to get the best results he could. His parents were also on board, which was good too.”

“I think I was able to achieve this transformation because I could see a lot of myself in him – but also that I told him we can achieve some great results and that he must trust me. Once that understanding and respect was established, we focused on sorting out some structure into his work.”

Their mentorship was a profound relationship that established a solid foundation for their work. For Aleks, it meant that he wanted to work ten times harder to achieve highly.

“The best part about having Troy as my tutor is that he isn’t just a tutor – he is one of my best mates. That made me want to work even harder, because I don’t ever want to disappoint my best mate.”

Troy and Aleks’ mateship paved the way for them to establish Aleks’ primary learning language, and tailor his learning process around it. It was almost obvious to see that Aleks was an auditory learner, due to his verbal responsiveness with Troy.

Troy then formatted his tutoring around verbal exercises, which he mixed in with typical visual learning exercises such as note-taking. This developed Aleksander’s understanding to a point where he began to excel in a classroom environment as well.

Aleks’ hard work paid off incredibly – originally sitting on straight D’s in his subjects, Aleks is now achieving a straight A and B+ average in his classes!

The change first occurred on a Maths tests, where Aleks moved from a D- to a B. The change was profound, and saw Aleks completely gobsmacked.

“When I first started tutoring I didn’t think it would work at all, because I had never passed a subject in my life of schooling!”

“But there it was! I got a good mark, and I was so excited that I could tell Troy that our hard work paid off.”

Of course, Troy cannot speak highly enough of his student.

“Aleks  has changed my mindset on life and how life is fun, it should be enjoyed, and every moment should be laughing and one to remember.”

“I’m so proud of him, and his future goals. He is now doing a Diploma of business next year, has set goals for all his subjects, planning investments in stocks and shares; but most importantly, he now wants to go to QUT, and study to become an accountant.”

“He will go far, I’m sure of it.”

For Aleks, his tutoring journey has completely changed his motivation level, and helped skyrocket him to success.

“I feel so much more accomplished when I study hard and get good marks,” said Aleks.

“I believe in myself much more academically. Because of that, I’ve changed my career endeavors completely!”

“Troy has taught me to believe in myself, which is something I will keep with me forever.”

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