Our Transformative Tutoring Program for

We improve your child's confidence, motivation, and grades in just 6 months.
Our 6-month Transformation Program is a game-changing transformative tutoring program unlike any other and is transforming students taking NAPLAN across Australia. NAPLAN is a set of four or five standardised tests (depending on your child’s year level) that are taken by students in years 3, 5, 7, and 9. NAPLAN tests cover writing, spelling, grammar, reading, and numeracy skills.
While our program is designed to help students excel in NAPLAN testing by building confidence and providing proven test-taking strategies, sessions are not solely focused on NAPLAN. We believe that success in standardised testing is just one aspect of a well-rounded education. Our approach goes beyond NAPLAN, offering a comprehensive learning experience backed by proven methods and psychological principles to unlock your child's true potential.
By joining us on this transformative journey, you're not just investing in improved test scores but also in a richer, more confident, and successful future for your child.







Transform Your Child's Mindset
Teach Your Child the Strategies and Skills to Becoming a Successful Student
Mentor and Guide Them to Improve Confidence, Motivation, and Grades
Ongoing Support For Your Family
“I think I was so successful because my study routine and how I approached maths completely changed. I used to have a bad mindset and hated the subject, now I really try my best!”
Jess went from an E to B in Maths in just 8 weeks!
“I share my deep gratitude to your team. Our son Hudson is flourishing! His step is lighter, he laughs, and his confidence within himself is growing. This is all because of Mitch! Mitch has built a safe learning relationship and Hudson is thriving! Thank you!
Hudson thinks Mitch is a Legend! We are so grateful to Mitch, your team and so happy for Hudson.”
“Jasiel was very apprehensive initially, our APT encouraged Jasiel to speak about her math concerns and Jasiel soon felt a level of trust. The way our APT explained the concepts and encouraged Jasiel to participate was great and received by her very quickly. Our APT has a great approach, very warm, friendly and funny. He spoke about his love for math and his current studies which Jasiel was quite impressed with. I can see why you mainly use University students.
Jasiel is actually looking forward to ongoing sessions with her APT, he gave her such a boost to her confidence which has been so low, he didn’t question her lack of understanding or belittle her, he was so encouraging and supportive. He gave her tips, let her know what to put in her math workbook when she has her exam next week – a few “don’t forget” points. He was brilliant. After what I saw last night, I’m looking forward to seeing the end result in her overall school, study, motivation and confidence.”
His APT had instant rapport with him and was able to get him to open up about things we had no idea on (despite asking what we thought were the right questions!). Our son’s teacher has already mentioned how much more focused he is and that his attention to detail is improving. We are really very impressed with A Team Tuition.
Their unique approach to helping students feel confident in their preparation for exams, assessments and increasing their literacy and numeracy skills, sets them up for success, no matter their hesitations. It is so important, especially within this generation, to find ways to keep students engaged in the learning process.
“Our APT has been the perfect study-buddy for my son and is a beautiful fit due to their rapport and connection. Our APT has a real enthusiasm for learning that has been very motivating and effective for improving my son’s overall confidence, motivation and grades! So effective that my son recently brought home his first ‘A’ in English and ‘A+’ on an English report. Finding such a great match has been so impactful on his results, we are very happy.”
“I am very impressed with our Academic Personal Trainer, Elaine, and her approach, and we are grateful for her detailed feedback. I actually mentioned to my husband that this is more concrete and helpful feedback than we have ever received from his teachers. I definitely recognise my son in her comments and think that her observations were spot on. In particular, that he struggles with inferences and that his problem-solving approach could be simplified.
My son worked really well with her and I think that he can learn a lot from Elaine! We are looking forward to the next session”
“Their approach to working with young people as extremely professional and very much focused on the individual needs and circumstances of each child. A Team Tuition is focused on delivering the best possible outcomes to all students irrespective of their academic ability and are well versed in supporting children within the Out Of Home Care sector.”
“Lola is doing Maths Methods this year. She has gone from a C- average in Year 10 to an A+ average so far in Year 11. She is definitely working harder but her APT has helped immensely in restoring her confidence!”
The only tutoring company in Australia with official school partnerships

The Now Effect