Client Testimonials

... What Our Clients Have To Say ...

“The sessions with Seb’s APT, Devendra, are going really well. For Seb’s first assignment back this semester he got an A which is a great outcome! Seb feels comfortable with Devendra because he is patient, kind and explains things really well to Seb.

My husband & I are very happy with how the tutoring has gone so far & Seb’s better engagement with Maths.”

Jane – Year 10 Mum

“Oh my god, I thought this was too good to be true! I am over the moon with A Team Tuition and our APT, James. He and Jason hit it off really well and my son’s confidence has already improved. His body language has changed and instead of struggling with him to get out of the car for school today, he jumped out and was happy to go inside. All it took was one person to sit with him one on one and give him praise, teach him, to change everything for him!

A weight has been lifted from my shoulders thanks to A Team Tuition & James.”

Melissa – Year 8 Mum

“Bill received his math exam result yesterday and he received an A!!!! He is over the moon and we are so thrilled for him.  His APT, Jordan, did a fantastic job working with him and his teacher to prepare him for his exam.”

Sarah W. – Year 8 Mum

“A Team Tuition’s match making skills are spot on. We are really happy with our APT, she is exactly the type of tutor that Harper needs. Harper was really happy and felt supported throughout the whole session. Thank you again for organising that so quickly. We have received nothing but exemplary support from the A Team Tuition team.”

Erin – Year 3 Mum

“Jasiel was very apprehensive initially, our APT encouraged Jasiel to speak about her math concerns and Jasiel soon felt a level of trust. The way our APT explained the concepts and encouraged Jasiel to participate was great and received by her very quickly. Our APT has a great approach, very warm, friendly and funny. He spoke about his love for math and his current studies which Jasiel was quite impressed with. I can see why you mainly use University students.

Jasiel is actually looking forward to ongoing sessions with her APT, he gave her such a boost to her confidence which has been so low, he didn’t question her lack of understanding or belittle her, he was so encouraging and supportive. He gave her tips, let her know what to put in her math workbook when she has her exam next week – a few “don’t forget” points. He was brilliant. After what I saw last night, I’m looking forward to seeing the end result in her overall school, study, motivation and confidence.”

Linda – Year 9 Mum

“Our APT has been the perfect study-buddy for my son and is a beautiful fit due to their rapport and connection. Our APT has a real enthusiasm for learning that has been very motivating and effective for improving my son’s overall confidence, motivation and grades! So effective that my son recently brought home his first ‘A’ in English and ‘A+’ on an English report. Finding such a great match has been so impactful on his results, we are very happy.”

Anna – Year 9 Mum

“Lola is doing Maths Methods this year. She has gone from a C- average in Year 10 to an A+ average so far in Year 11. She is definitely working harder but her APT has helped immensely in restoring her confidence!”

Justine – Year 11 Mum

“I am sure Jonathan will want to tell his APT, he recently received an A- for his Maths PSMT. This is an amazing turnaround from when he started with A Team Tuition (Term 1 2023). I am very happy for Jonathan to continue!”

Jo – Year 10 Mum

“Our APT has improved Jasmine’s confidence, motivation, grades and so much more! They have developed such a strong bond and get along so good. Our APT has helped Jasmine develop the ability to study on her own and how to set up a dedicated study space and even recently helped her get a 95% on her Science test.

 Whenever I remind her to come straight home for her sessions she responds with an excited ‘Awesome!’ that isn’t sarcastic. We are really happy!”

Deborah – Year 9 Grandma

“I wanted to share how wonderful the session was!

I could hear that Miles’ energy level was really high for the whole lesson which really surprised me as I’ve not seen that before when it comes to homework or lessons and especially in the evening. He seemed engaged, chatty and bright.

At the end of the lesson Miles was really proud that he got almost everything that he was tested on correct, and on reviewing his work I could see things that he had previously not understood were now understood.

But the most significant thing was his level of confidence has vastly improved after just one session which I could see quite clearly in his demeanour. He said that he really liked his APT and couldn’t wait till the next session. I am very impressed with our APT’s approach and can’t wait to see the continued progress here.”

Belinda – Year 5 Mum

“Our APT was very warm and greeted the kids, and very actively listened to me as we interacted. The children loved the session with her. Our APT engaged them in many activities which I was extremely impressed with. I really liked how well prepared she was before the session.”

Neha – Primary School Mum

“My daughter, Tara’s, first session has exceeded both hers and my expectation. You will never begin to understand the impact this session had. Tara had a level of energy and confidence that I have not seen in a very long time. She is so excited to continue to learn. Thank you so much.”

Nicky — Year 11 Mum

“Our son really liked his Academic Personal Trainer, Zach, and couldn’t believe how quickly the time went by. He said it was 5.20pm before he knew it. He enjoyed the session a lot and asked if he could buy a novel to read last night. He doesn’t ever want to read… let alone buy a book!

Today he went and purchased a book to start working toward his reading goal. Thank you for working with us to get him some help with his learning.”

Ann – Year 10 Mum

“We absolutely love our Academic Personal Trainer Maina. He is such a wonderful person to have in the home and Joe enjoys working with him. Even my other son who isn’t loving school said he might do some tutoring with him. Impressive!!”

Kelly — Year 12 Mum

“I am very impressed with our Academic Personal Trainer, Elaine, and her approach, and we are grateful for her detailed feedback. I actually mentioned to my husband that this is more concrete and helpful feedback than we have ever received from his teachers. I definitely recognise my son in her comments and think that her observations were spot on. In particular, that he struggles with inferences and that his problem-solving approach could be simplified.

My son worked really well with her and I think that he can learn a lot from Elaine! We are looking forward to the next session” 


Katrin — Year 3 Mum

“Thank you so much for matching our new Academic Personal Trainer, Maina, with Harvey. Their first tutoring session was an absolute success. Harvey was really happy and is very excited about the future and what he is going to achieve now at school with Maina as his tutor and mentor. Once again thank you so much we could not be happier.”

Patrice — Year 10 Mum

“I initially engaged with A Team Tuition before Matthew’s exams as he was struggling with some key concepts in his hardest subject and despite being a high achiever this was really impacting not just on his marks and confidence but on him as a person.

Teliah was assigned to Matthew and in two short weeks during his Transformation Program, he went from a C to a B+ in the hardest strain of mathematics, but also regained his confidence. The change in him is remarkable, he is now more focused on assignments, will get an awesome ATAR result and is working the hardest he ever has.

I am sure there are cheaper options than A Team Tuition, but to me this is one of the best investments I have ever made and has changed Matthew’s outlook, options and no doubt future academic and professional life.

I can’t recommend A Team Tuition enough, and having spoken to other parents can safely say that our result is the normal outcome as opposed to an outlier.”

Damien — Year 11 Dad

“I am very happy with how the sessions are going. Avalon was sitting on a D to C and just  received a B- in Math! Her teacher marked improvement with both maths and confidence. Our Academic Personal Trainer, Andrew, takes the time to discuss and draw out of Avalon what she understands and also struggles with. He is very patient and takes time to repeat things. She loves how he gets her to repeat back what he is teaching her to ensure she understands, as she normally is too shy to say. He has great communication skills and he somehow gets through to her as she is difficult to read. All round a lovely young man.”

Caitlin – Year 10 Mum
“Sebastian has been brilliant for Finlay and helped him complete Grade 6 in a much better place than he otherwise would have been. His handwriting has improved enormously and we loved the way Sebastian got to know him and kept him engaged through their time together. Learning was a lot of fun, We’re so happy we found you guys.”
Victoria – Year 6 Mum

“In respect of Teliah, she has been fabulous.  Matthew got his marks and went to a B+ in a subject he had been failing, and his other subject was an A which had been a B that they had been working on.

Teliah herself has been professional, a good communicator, has provided timely feedback and has been on time herself in every event – well presented and once she did the first session well researched in the work she has been attending too with Matty.

She has definitely been a credit to your organisation and has justified the marketing that A Team Tuition has in respect of improvement.”

Damien – Year 11 Dad
“Kate and Georgia have established a positive working relationship and we are so very grateful for Georgia’s support and guidance of Kate with her learning.  Georgia’s tutoring as well as her warm and friendly personality, have been a welcome addition to Kate’s study routine.  Her assistance has boosted Kate’s confidence and given her a sense of reassurance that her learning needs are well understood in terms of the curriculum requirements for this stage in her learning journey.
Thank you for sending Georgia to us.  Quite simply, she is an angel and we can’t wait to return to tutoring.”
Bernadette – Year 11 Mum

“I wanted to write and tell you how impressed I have been with Abbey and how she has instilled confidence in my daughter, Alexandra, in maths.  Abbey’s approach to the sessions and subject has been a perfect match for Alexandra and if she needs any assistance in the future, I will certainly be in touch.  Many thanks to the whole A Team Tuition team for such a professional and well run organisation.”

Debra – Year 12 Mum

“Caelan came out of the session and said he had so much fun! I couldn’t believe my ears that anyone would ever say they had fun doing maths tutoring. He’s already finished all the homework Josh set for him and can’t wait for next week.”

Jodie – Year 6 Mum

“Archie’s Academic Personal Trainer, Amber, was well organised, communicated clearly and took the time to get to know Archie through the session. Arch is looking forward to his next session with Amber.”

Simon – Year 5 Dad

“Leyla and Coco have been working hard together on reading, recognition and spelling, and her NAPLAN results show it!! With Coco being above the national average!!”

Alicia – Year 3 Mum

“I share my deep gratitude to your team. Our son Hudson is flourishing! His step is lighter, he laughs, and his confidence within himself is growing. This is all because of Mitch! Mitch has built a safe learning  relationship and Hudson is thriving! Thank you!
Hudson thinks Mitch is a Legend! We are so grateful to Mitch, your team and so happy for Hudson.”

Kellie – Year 8 Mum

“I’m so happy to chat with you about Charlie and Zack’s sessions. Our Academic Personal Trainer, Zack,  has been fantastic. Charlie is getting a lot out of each session and most importantly his confidence is growing, which was my main reason for seeking out tutoring after being so unwell last term and missing more than half a term of schooling. Zack really connects with Charlie and supports him in his learning, confidence and planning ahead. I will definitely be continuing with Zack for the rest of this year and next year! He really is a great fit for Charlie.”

Corena – Year 8 Mum

“My daughter Maddie was really impressed with her first session with her Academic Personal Trainer, Derek. She said Derek was excellent and there was just no comparison with her last tutor. He is a lovely young man and completely put Maddie at ease. Her mood totally changed between the time before the tutorial to after. Thank you so much, and I can’t wait to see what they accomplish.”

Kylie – Year 10 Mum
“Brayden has been incredibly patient, kind, encouraging to my son Sam, and has showed Sam some strategies that are truly helping him. It took some time for Sam to feel comfortable with Brayden and a 1:1 face to face Academic Personal Trainer as both are new to him and he is naturally quite reserved. But Sam has put in additional effort and has been rewarded with a big achievement. His classwork has moved up a grade, and his homework was 100 percent!
This has given Sam a burst of confidence and a realisation to what he can achieve through what we with Brayden are doing to help him plus his effort! I can’t wait to see what they continue to accomplish.
~whoop whoop – happy mum dance~”
Kristy – Year 6 Mum

“Hayley has been having wonderful sessions with her Academic Personal Trainer Mia and she is extremely happy to have her as her tutor and mentor. Haley has been very positive and very motivated and definitely feels lucky to have found Mia to help her!”

Kasie – Year 12 Mum

“Before Belle’s first tutoring session she was a little anxious and kept asking me “what will I ask her?”….”what will she do?”.  After their first session, Belle is upbeat, positive, calmer and feels Jessica is a perfect match for her saying, “she’s just like me”. Thank you so much for making the effort to match Academic Personal Trainers based on personalities; it makes all the difference.”

Tracey – Year 11 Mum

“My son described his first session with his Academic Personal Trainer, Eric, as “awesome”! He was on such a high afterwards. He was thrilled with the way Eric explained a maths concept advising that he taught him in a way that he really understood and my son is really excited about plans they have made together for his English. After the session with Eric, he continued to consolidate what he had learnt in prep and then was returning to study more that night on geography. Doug and I were so happy to hear all of this. Thank you so much. Sounds like we are off to a great start!”

Jo – Year 10 Mum

“Our Academic Personal Trainers, Jake and Bodi are very well matched to both of our boys. My sons were so happy that all of their goal setting was done in the first session and I am really looking forward to seeing how the boys respond throughout the term!”

Terry – Father (after the first session)

“I think I was so successful because my study routine and how I approached maths completely changed. I used to have a bad mindset and hated the subject, now I really try my best!” 

Jess went from an E to B in Maths in just 8 weeks! 

Jess – Student, Year 10

“We needed to know how to turn that light switch on and I don’t know how to. We tried everything, but nothing worked. Then A Team Tuition came along, and all of a sudden, the light switch turned on.” 

Kirsty’s child went from a D to A+ in maths in just 10 weeks! 

Kirsty – Year 10 Mum

“My daughter’s Academic Personal Trainer, Mitch, has not just supported my daughter towards improving her results. He has also allowed her to take ownership of her own learning, and given her the strategies to become a self directed and independent learner. She looks forward to her weekly tutoring sessions and always has a feeling of productivity and achievement at the conclusion of the session. The APT feedback is also timely and relevant every single session. Thank you Mitch and A Team Tuition!”

Bev – Mother

“Emily is my son Joseph’s Academic Personal Trainer! Emily’s patience and ability to work with Joseph has allowed him to change his black and white thinking. This has provided opportunities for Joseph to get better marks in Year 10!”

Sandy – Mother

“Lydia has been a wonderful APT for Felix. She has a great manner and is excellent at teaching content across a number of subjects. She has also been a supportive coach and mentor to Felix, helping with exam techniques and building confidence. She always brings positivity, encouragement and good humour. We feel really lucky to have had her support and know she has made an enormous difference to how years 11 and 12 have felt and the results that he has achieved.”

Simone – Mother

“Not only do the team at A Team Tuition improve grades, they also focus on the underlying skills and qualities of character required to continue on the right path in life.”

Michael – Father

“A Team Tuition has helped me develop into the best student that I can be. I am now reaching my full potential thanks to them. They are so supportive and really understanding. All the staff at A Team Tuition really are passionate and so friendly.”

Mae – Year 12 Student

“Alongside greatly encouraging improvement in his academic results, the most outstanding and important outcome has been enhancement of his self-motivation and drive, and even more importantly, development of his self-confidence.”

Sharon – Mother

“A Team Tuition came to me and in just less than a term working with them I received an A for maths (the subject I struggled most with!) I definitely recommend A Team Tuition, this great, supportive team will help you succeed!”

Skylah – Year 9 Student

“Their approach to working with young people as extremely professional and very much focused on the individual needs and circumstances of each child. A Team Tuition is focused on delivering the best possible outcomes to all students irrespective of their academic ability and are well versed in supporting children within the Out Of Home Care sector.”

Jason – Former School Principal

“The word “Proud” doesn’t even come close to expressing how we felt last night at our daughter’s Awards Ceremony. The studying structure and skills she has developed since starting with the program has been invaluable.”

Collette – Mother

Their unique approach to helping students feel confident in their preparation for exams, assessments and increasing their literacy and numeracy skills, sets them up for success, no matter their hesitations. It is so important, especially within this generation, to find ways to keep students engaged in the learning process.

Lucy – Senior School Teacher

His APT had instant rapport with him and was able to get him to open up about things we had no idea on (despite asking what we thought were the right questions!). Our son’s teacher has already mentioned how much more focused he is and that his attention to detail is improving. We are really very impressed with A Team Tuition.

Katrina – Mother

“In our experience, what we have found is the A-Team are prepared to be flexible (they really do look to provide the right APT to the student) and are genuinely committed. A-Team are able to mentor and develop other key forms of aptitude, including emotional and social forms of intelligence.”

Angus and Maria Cowan – Parents

“Everyone comments on her confidence.”

“Cecelia has never passed English before so we’re really celebrating this C.  The teacher said that she’s on course for a B this term and everyone, her teacher, her teacher’s aide and her reading group leader – they’ve all said she’s far more confident, putting her opinion out there, and finally feeling brave enough to read out loud.  This has been a big celebration in our house.”

Lizzy Edwards, Mother to Cecelia, Aged 11